Following the Foibles of our Foes

2024 March Blog by Chuck Peek

I’m crowd-sourcing the title. Instead of Following the Foibles of our Foes, how about Does There Ever Come a Time When the Waters of Clear Thinking and Kind Heartedness Find Their Way to the Wicked Witch and She Dissolves in a Puddle? Or, possibly, Can Fact Emulate Fiction? But feel free to send your suggested title for the series of three episodes in March, April, and May.

Beware: beyond this FIRST INSTALLMENT, the whole three-part series threatens daily to become an unending project: this month, my new guide to how MAGA-thought (something like Double-Speak) works barely scratches the surface. And yes, I grant that the very term MAGA-thought (sic) should be followed by that “sic” denoting in this case not only a mistake in the text but a whole passel of actual mistakes, just shy of 91 at last count even if only counting the mistakes with legal aspects.

We are all capable of error of course, but if I was that “sic” I think I’d try to claim some kind of immunity from prosecution. And you wouldn’t count on me to care if any others, doing my bidding or carrying my message, would not fall under that umbrella of immunity. Let them fare for themselves.

Here is the story of one such wayfarer in the legions of those who attend the rallies, send in the contributions, and have that telltale sign of a Kool Aid-like stain about them.

I’m in the men’s locker room at the gym, a guy rushes in and, as he begins getting out of his street clothes, puts in a rush call to someone on his cell phone. Let’s call him Gym Mate. His end of the conversation begins, “Hey, just calling to see if you’ve heard the latest news.” But he quickly amends, “…well, not exactly news because the media will never put this out.”

So here is an idea not included in MAGA-thought: Either the Media won’t put this out because it is not true or the Media did indeed put this out because, otherwise, you, Gym Mate, would not have heard about it.

And here is part one of the news Gym Mate is so excited to pass on. The January 6 committee tried to get rid of a lot of files they had been ordered to keep.  Or maybe it was just Liz Cheney?

Yeah, the media would surely skip that one!

But here is part two of the news. By now half-undressed and the phone never leaving his ear, Gym goes on: “And it is very likely that those files contain exculpatory evidence.”

Yes, indeed, we don’t even know which files have supposedly gone missing, but we do know what is “very likely” in them! Elementary my dear Watson! We can deduce what’s in them by the fact that they are missing. And all this from a MAGA who no doubt thinks Nixon was framed.

But here is a kicker to the story.  Gym Mate quickly asks his listener on the phone. “Do you know what exculpatory means?”

Do you suppose that there is a small chance that the word “exculpatory” was not only included in whatever fake news, possibly from Breitbart, revealed this criminal activity, but also that the purveyor of the fake news had enough foresight to provide a definition. Bannon would no doubt know it; not so likely Gym Mate.

“It means,” now naked Gym Mate reveals, the footage of photos or the files that were erased would prove that January 6 was not an insurrection and none of those poor blokes serving time for it was guilty of anything.

Yup, it is the January 6 committee in league with the Media hiding the truth, but the guardians of God and the American Way (one and the same thing to them) are outing those dastardly villains, Praise the Lord.

And, oh yes, one other kicker. The super patriots saving us from these villains have actually “recovered the files the committee tried to get rid of, but they can’t open them because they don’t have the passwords and the committee won’t reveal them.”

Imagine that, the committee won’t reveal the passwords on its files!

He closes the conversation, puts down his phone, gets dressed, and look puzzled when I say to him, “You do know, don’t you, that that is all bull shit?”

But being bull shit didn’t stop it from airing a couple weeks later on the Fox and Fox-Alike stations that specialize in this kind of clear thinking and straight news.

End of lesson…thanks, Gym Mate, for the demonstration.

Next blog: the quarterly In Memoriam will appear about Easter, then the April blog will be Installment 2 of Foibles of our Foes.

Kearney, Nebraska

March 2024

2 thoughts on “Following the Foibles of our Foes

  1. You meet the strangest people in the Men’s locker room. Almost makes me want to stay away from the Gym.


    • But they aren’t all strange in the same way. And where can you go that you don’t run into them? I suppose maybe the Supreme Court of the Halls of Congress–oh, no, forget that.


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